Tuesday 27 November 2012

Heaven in A Bottle: KReME Hydrating Body Lotion

Hey there!!!

First of all, I would like to say really sorry, it's been over a month since I posted something.. Its been a really hectic couple of weeks and I never had enough time to blog.. I'm sorry.

Okay, onto my review. Because I was going camping with my year group over  a weekend, I needed a small bottle of lotion to use. Now I usually use Dermaveen, a really moisturising lotion that smells horrible, on my face(it helps keep my skin hydrated) and a Vaseline lotion on the rest of my body.

So I looked in the back of my cupboard and there was this lotion that I had received as a presnt. It is my KReME, which is an Australian company that I could get no details on. It is a hydrating body lotion and it is in Frangipani with Jamaican Lime.

My first reaction.... OMG it smells SOOOOO goood! Its not really strong but strong enough to be noticeable. It smells like frangipani but a bit more like a citrus fruit... I absolutely love the smell of it, especially when I use it on my face as I can just smell it all the time... :)

The second thing I like about it is that it doesn't dry up on your skin. When I was using the Vaseline lotion on my face, it would like sort of harden up and make my face feel like I couldn't move it too much... This lotion, on the other hand, is very soft and absorbs into your skin without really drying up, which made my skin feel awesome for the whole day.

Quick insight.... After I started using it, I found that I got lots of zits and whiteheads. I stopped using it and are now using Dermaveen. After also changing my skin care routine, I now think that it wasn't the lotion at fault, but the routine, as finding out that soap makes me break out a lot on my face.

Overall, I absolutely love tjis lotion and now use it regularly all over my body. It truly is heaven in a bottle.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

DIY: Halloween Face Paint

Hey there random people that I don't even know,

So after I got back from my day out, I realised that I had to go to a Halloween party, the theme being horror. I had no face paint and I was planning to go as the Emily from the Corpse Bride.... As some of you may know, Emily has bluish skin and it my last post you may have noticed that my skin is relatively dark...

I was in a dilemma because I really didn't want to pay more money on face paint that I would use once. I looked it up on Youtube and TheBargainHound said to combine eyeshadow and Petroleum Jelly (Vasaline).... I tried this and it did make a colour but it wasn't opaque enough for me..... :(


I then went and used a moisturiser instead of Vasaline and it worked AMAZING!! Not only did it turn my skin bright blue, but it stayed on for a very long time....

Old eyeshadow
A cheap moisturiser
A mixing tool and plate

Scrape out the contents of you eyeshadow thingo and crush up the eyeshadow until it is a powder. Combine with it a bit of your moisturiser. You want to use a cheap moisturiser as its not worh using your $100 moisturiser by Elizabeth Arden... If it is too runny or gloopy just add eyeshadow or more moisturiser.

I hope that you try this and it works for you as well as it did for me. Sorry for the randomness, I had a really good day shopping with my friends.


Friday 19 October 2012

A Word of Advice: ALWAYS Use a Good Base Coat

 Hey everyone.....

Recently, about a week ago, I painted my nails a gorgeous red colour- specifically 10320 Cerise by Mode Cosmetics. Now I absolutely LOVE this colour because although you can't see it in picture, the polish has a shimmer to it which makes it very pretty in the light.

Now when I usually paint my nails, I use a base coat by Natio. This time I realised it had run out and used a thick and gloopy base coat that was my back up.... BIG MISTAKE!

This not only was a terrible consistency, but it made my nails take forever to dry. I only used it because I was using a deep red polish and didn't want it to stain my nails.

After about 5 days, I decided to take the polish off as it had started to chip... I was horrified. As you can see in the picture to the right, my nails turned a horrible redddish orangy colour. The photo in fact doesn't even capture the colour of my nails at this moment in time... If any of you happen to have a solution for this, I am welcome to ANYTHING!

Overall, the message behind this story is to always use a good quality base coat that you know protects from staining or your nails might just end up like mine!


Friday 5 October 2012

Rimmel's Red Fever Lipstick: Simply Amazing

Due to the fact that I was in a concert and required red lipstick, I purchased Rimmel's lipstick in 230 'Red Fever' from Woolworths. After using it numerous times (the concert had 4 performances), I discovered that it was one of the best lipsticks I had ever used.

The first thing I loved about it was the packaging. It comes in this fantastic metallic pink packaging... It is so cute and pretty that I don't think I will ever be able to lose it...

The actual lipstick is hugely pigmented, with one application being able to give your lips a bright red colour. I wore it with Maybelline's baby lips underneath and it lasted for about 3 hours which was great as I didn't have to touch it up through the concert.

Many of the lipsticks I've tried dry up on my lips making them feel heavy and chapped. This lipstick was so moisturised that even if it was dry, it felt like I was simply wearing a lip balm or balm.

It goes with many skin types, dark or fair, and is relatively cheap for a lipstick. The only thing I didn't like about it is the size of the actual lipstick. You only get about 4mL of lipstick which is a bit inconvenient when you need to apply it a lot of of times.

Overall, Rimmel's lipstick in 230 'Red Fever' is simply amazing.

Monday 1 October 2012

Cutex Quick n Go Polish: Great things come in small packages

Sorry, I haven't posted for a few days, I've been really busy with organising a get together .... Anyways...

Foolishly thinking it was a fast drying top coat, I purchased a Cutex Quick n Go nail polish in 'Clearly Speeding'. It was on sale and I thought it was a great bargain, drying in 45 seconds.

It was only until I got home that I realised that it was only a quick drying clear polish. This range of polish comes in many different colours such as a lilacy colour and a deep pink. I purchased my bottle at Woolworths but I know you can get them at Priceline and probably any other chemist stores. They come in small bottles that have I think 8mL of polish in them which is okay seeing as you only need one coat.

The actual polish does indeed dry in 45 seconds, letting me get on with my life. It has a wide brush which lets you cover the whole nail in one stroke and only needs one coat... This nail brand is perfect for people on the go who want colour on their nails without having to wait forever for it to dry..

The bottle also says that it will last for 8 days.. I have found that this is completely untrue... I applied it like it suggested and within 2 days, my polish starting chipping off and I was left with no choice to remove it with nail polish remover... I didn't find this a serious problem as I quite enjoy the look of clean, colour free nails.

The only thing I hate about it is the scent... Compared to my other nail polishes, Cutex Quick n Go has the most strong and repulsive scent that stays on your nails long after the polish is dry.. It makes your nails smell sort of like rubber which is very irritating when my hands go near my face.

Overall, Cutex Quick n Go nail polish truly is a great little fast drying nail polish that allows you to add colour in a hurry.

Thursday 27 September 2012

Body Shop's Born Lippy Balm: A Love Hate Relationship

Last year, as a farewell present, one of my friends got me a Born Lippy Lip Balm in the flavour strawberry.. At first, I didn't like it... The sickly strawberry scent and sticky texture were not my favourite things that added to the balm..

After applying it, I found that it gave my lips a scent of strawberry liquorice, which irritated me throughout the day.... The actual balm only moisturised my lips for about 2 or so hours before drying up  and making my lips even more chapped than they were in the first place....

It was only after my Baby Lips Balm ran out that I started using it again.... After remembering what it had previously done to my lips, I was cautious about using it. Vasaline was applied underneath it and in weeks I was amazed at the moisture that my lips contained....

I only have the strawberry one but I know that they come in other fruity flavours such as raspberry... The balms come in 10mL tubs which is enough to last you a long time, as you don't need to apply too much... After returning to it, because my lips were probably going to go chapped again, I have noticed that it adds a lovely pink tinge to my lips without making it look like I'm wearing a lip gloss or butter...

The only thing I still don't like about it is the application... Because it is in a small tub, you have to use one of your fingers to scoop it out... I have no problem with this when the balm doesn't smell like sickly strawberry liquorice... The balm leaves a sticky, flavoured residue on my finger that smells so weird that I have to wash it off or mask it with another balm or perfume..

Overall, my relationship with the Body Shop's Born Lippy Lip Balm in Strawberry is purely, Love Hate...

Spread the Word

Hey there... Its Serena (again)...

I really love writing this blog but if I have no readers or followers, I will lose hope to continue.... To stop this happening, please spread the word... If you happen to come across my blog and you think it's awesome then tell everyone... Tell your friends, tell your family..... One person could start a chain reaction that could give me inspiration and motivation to go on!

So please,

Baby Lips: A Force to be Reckoned With

Last year, after hearing about it from one of my friends, I purchased Maybelline's Baby Lips in Smoothing Cherry.... I was reluctant to try it after it promised smooth results in 7 days AKA a week.. But after using it for almost a year, I have grown to love this plain lip balm for reasons that I would have never imagined...

Although Baby Lips has no real colour to it, they come in a variety of fruity flavours such as Smoothing Cherry, Anti Oxidant Berry and Energising Orange... They each have a heavenly scent of what the balm is called... I love scented products almost as much as I love nail polish which is truly saying something.....

The balm moisturised my lips for about 4 hours and provided protection from the weather. I also used it under lipstick my lips never once felt dry or heavy.... They are also very cheap: retailing at around $4 in Australian dollars which is quite cheap for a good lip product....

I know that in America and other countries Baby Lips come in colours which I woud love to hear about in the comments section below...... In Australia, (for all you Aussies out there) Baby Lips can be purchased from Priceline and probably any other beauty/chemist kind of store....


10 Things You Should Know About Me!

Here are 10 things that I think you should know about me:

1. I think chocolate is the best thing to ever be invented....
2. My favourite colour is aqua...
3. I have a serious obsession with nail polish....
4. I hate oysters.....
5. I can play the ukulele....
6. At times I can get SERIOUSLY chatty....
7. I have a twin sister....
8. I think that typing on a keyboard is addictive....
9. I have played a musical instrument in the Sydney Opera House for concert....
10. I am slightly weird.....

Yeahhhhh........ Some of those things were a bit random....

BTW: Feel free to comment on ANY of my posts but I will delete comments if I think they are inappropriate....


Wednesday 26 September 2012

Hey there!

Hi there everyone..... My name is Serena.. Recently I have been loving everything beauty. I've never really been interested in makeup or nail polish that much before and I love to write so.. TA-DA! A blog.

Beautify will cover everything from nail polishes I'm loving to tips and tricks that I've picked up from my friends and family.

Before I get started I would like to say that I am a proud Australian. The reason for this is that you might not know the products or things that I am talking about....

So overall, ENJOY!